Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Human Genome

Last Wednesdays lecture from Dr. Georgia M. Dunston who was from the microbiology department was about the human genome. She did not get past the introductory slide, but she still gave some vital information. However before she went into her lecture, she started by saying the dean stated that our class was phenomenal and she sees how we are such a phenomenal class. Dr. Dunston goes into her lecture by saying our genome holds knowledge. It holds knowledge of not only out family history but our ancestral history as well. The genome contains not only this but knowledge of biology and life and how it works. Being a record book holding the legacy of human kind and our cultural story, Dr. Dunston goes on to say that every culture has a story but other cultures feed of the story of the Africans. Africans are the foundation for other cultures.

Dr. Dunston also said out genomes represent knowledge to solve problems of our time. Our genomes have an energy and what disturbs our energy is what we are destined to do. In other words we already know our calling and what we were put here to do and what problem we are going to solve. For example for me I know what disturbs my energy is dental hygiene. This is why my dream is to become a dentist to make people more aware of how important dental hygiene actually is to your overall health.

Overall the message I took from the lecture is that we all have a unique genome and each and every one of us is unique. Our genomes hold information that stems from our ancestors and from our family and the information we all hold is unique. Even though Dr. Dunston did not get past her first slide, she still gave us all some very good information that I actually found interesting.

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